Buying a Home

Getting a mortgage can seem daunting, but our Team will be here ever step of the way to make it simple! We will guide you to the best loan types to fit your particular and individual situation. However, at its most basic level, the mortgage process involves only six steps:
Prequalification – We review your loan application and credit and establish a prequalification. This determines your likely purchasing power and amount you are “prequalified”
PreApproval – You have completed your tasks that we have requested and our Team has reviewed this information. We will then issue your “PreApproval Letter” Now, it is truly time to go shopping for your new home!
Under Contract – Congratulations! You have come to an agreement with the Seller and our Team will be working with you and behind the scenes to close your home loan and get you into your new home.
Appraisal – Once you have confirmed we are good to move forward with the transaction, after you have gone through inspections and come to agreement with the seller, on any repairs or contract modifications, the appraisal will be ordered.
Underwriting – Once your file is reviewed by underwriting there will likely be a few items to tie up, called “conditions”. Do not worry, 99% of files have some very simple conditions that are needed in order to receive “Final Loan Approval”
Closing – This is the big day! You sign documents at the title company and get the keys to your new home!